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Inverting 47x47 Pascal Matrix in Verilog

This example shows how to invert a 47x47 Pascal Matrice with variable precision elements. Larger Pascal Matrices need larger mantissa!

Note: this code runs on FinSim 10.0.0 or subsequent versions, which are available upon request from Fintronic USA. On a laptop with core i7 atr 2.4GHz, this example completed in 5.86 sec.

module top;
`include "finsimmath.h"
parameter SIZE = 47;
VpDescriptor d1;

VpReg  [0:180] AV[SIZE-1:0][SIZE-1:0];
VpReg [0:180] v;

initial begin
   $VpSetDescriptorInfo(d1, 12, 168, `FLOATING,
                        `SATURATION+`WARNING, 1);
   $VpSetDefaultOptions(12, 168, `FLOATING,
                        `SATURATION+`WARNING, 1);
   $VpAssocDescrToData(AV,  d1);
   $VpAssocDescrToData(v, d1);

  $InitM(AV, (($I1 == 0) ? 1 : (($I2 == 0) ? 1 : (AV[$I1-1][$I2] +  AV[$I1][$I2-1]))));

  v = AV[SIZE-1][SIZE-1];
  $display("last = %y\n", v);

  AV = AV ** (-1);
// PrintM(AV, "y");
  AV = AV ** (-1);
  v = AV[SIZE-1][SIZE-1];
  $display("last = %y\n", v);